Human Resource development
Human Resource Development (HRD)
- CHCPs’ Basic Training: The newly recruited CHCPs should have Basic Training of 12 weeks ( weeks theoretical & 6 weeks practical)
- CHCPs’ refresher training: For the existing CHCP, refresher training needs to be organized after every 2 years for further development of their knowledge & skill as per necessity evidenced by the recommendation of supervisors and studies/survey findings. They are to be well aware of the latest relevant information, indicators, target and achievement.
- CSBA training: All the female CHCPs to be trained as CSBAs. As we have planned to establish at least 1 CC in each union with normal deliver facility having skilled manpower and where from cases can be referred to UHC, so all the female CHCPs will have SBA training. This training is implemented through MCH&AH OP & necessary budget needs to be proposed in MCH&AH OP.
- CG Training: The new CGs need to be trained or oriented as the groups are being reformed after Union Parishad election all over the country. As their services/contribution is absolutely voluntary, so training and refresher training are to be organized after every 2 years for keeping them in track with well motivation.
- CSG training: The CSGs need to be oriented. The groups have formed once though as per provision the new groups need to be formed after every 2 years. As their services/contribution is absolutely voluntary, so refresher training /orientation needs to be organized after every 2 years for keeping them in track with well motivation and the voluntary services for the wellbeing of mass people.
- Overseas training: Provision of overseas training for the managers/officials of different levels needs to be continued. In the selection process, the issues considered are-good performer, never or within 3 years didn’t avail any foreign training/study tour, having any innovative & effective step, community engagement, client’s satisfaction, preference for women candidate etc. The officials who were offered overseas training were mostly from the field (more than 75%)?
- Local Govt. representatives’ training: Local govt. representatives need to be trained. Union Parishad plays vital & supportive role for smooth functioning of CCs. UP member is the president of CG & UP chairman is the chief patron for all the CCs of the union. UZP parishad is also supportive for CC. Many UP & UZP have supported CC in many ways (Repair of CC, construction / repair of approach road, earth filling, provide furniture, install deep tube well, water pump, construction of waiting shade for service seekers, room for normal delivery etc). Through training, Local Govt. representatives will be well informed & motivated in respect of CC & their roles and responsibilities as well. If so, then their involvement will be more resulting improvement of services.
- 1st line supervisors’ Training: Training of the 1st line supervisors of both Health and FP to be accomplished as there is a lacking in supervision & monitoring. They didn’t get this sort of training exclusively on CC. It is expected that after the training, management & services of CC will be improved both in quantity and quality as well.
- Multipurpose Health Volunteer’s Training: Committed Volunteers from the community preferably from CG & CSG to be identified and are to be oriented so that they can support in different spheres e.g. pregnancy, birth & death registration, immunization, FP, default tracking, any emerging /reemerging disease, population data collection etc.
- Other local Training (i.e Nutrition, CD, NCD, MIS, NGOs) coordination and collaboration with other related OPs & Organizations.
- Upazila Health System
- Leadership training
- Training on capacity development according to SOP guideline.
- Training on CQI & TQM approach for effective hospital management
- Training on standard referral system according to SOP guideline.
- Medical Waste management (MWM)
- Urban Health (UH)
- Workshop & group discussion on adolescent health at slam areas & garments factories.
- Tribal Health (TH)
- Seminar & workshop for health service providers to improve health services in ethnic communities
Community Mobilization (CM)
- Introduction of Multipurpose Health Volunteer following selection guideline.
- Health education/ counseling needs to be strengthened with all necessary materials
- Reformation of CG: CG to be reformed as the present groups are in place for more than 5 years & in recent UP election, many new UP chairmen & members have been elected. At the same time CG for the newly functional CCs needs to be formed too. The CGs will be trained.
- Reformation of CSG: The existing CSGs need to be reformed /updated with dedicated persons as they are in place for more than 5 years. At the same time CSGs for the newly functional CCs need to be formed. The CSGs will be trained
- Development of materials/tools: For effective communication or counseling SBCC materials/tools need to be developed as per need, social belief ,norms and culture
- GEVA & Women empowerment: The female members of both CG & CSG will be oriented on the importance of women empowerment and social determinants of women health.
- SBCC on MNC&AH: SBCC to reduce maternal and child mortality and morbidity
- Health seeking behavior: SBCC on health seeking behavior and family planning under CBHC.
- Awareness raising: Making awareness among people regarding services under CBHC through mass campaign & media.
- Branding: Different activities (Mass campaign, TV spots, Documentary, all other activities) in respect of Branding of CC to be accomplished.
- Day observation-CC establishment day, International women’s day, safe motherhood day etc. will be observed in befitting manner with due importance.
- Best CC award: Best CCs will be selected as per checklist with specified parameters and will be awarded as before.
- Horizontal learning: Horizontal learning & experiences will be shared among the stakeholders having innovative ideas and good practices through arranging workshops with the participation of policy makers, DPs, and other relevant partners. This can be followed by exchange field visits.
- Press conference: Periodically press conference, meet the press, round table discussion will be organized in respect of the progress, strengths, weakness & way forward
Last Updated: 2019-05-05 21:44:08